Sep 14, 2008

Spring loves me, Spring loves me not...

Spring loves me:
The days are getting longer so I don't have to have lights on my bike all the time.
It is getting warmer, so I don't have to look like the Michelin man to keep warm on my bike.
It is windy- but for every head wind there is a tailwind at some point of your ride.
The magpies start swooping, but it is warmer, you don't need your lights to get to and from work, and dodging them increases bike handling skills :P

Spring loves me not:
The flowers are starting to bloom and the place starts to look alive again, but this is where it all goes bad for me... The pollen upsets my asthma and makes it difficult for me to ride my bike :(

It has been week of good solid kilometres, and I'm feeling pretty happy with my effort for the week in fact! This was my first solid week back on the bike for base kilometres since the accident, which, incidentally, was 4 months today. Admittedly we are still finding the right balance of work and rest, but on the whole I am feeling pretty good here on Sunday night after a good number of hours training this week.

The problem however has been my asthma. Normally the pollen and dust and the other spring time enemies don't bother my asthma too much at all, but this year is different. Unfortuately on Saturday's ride there wasn't much I could do to overcome it, I'd taken my puffer but there was not much else to do except just keep tapping at my own pace, which was VERY slow, to get over Mt McDonald. It all settled when I got home and out of the pollen-laden wind, but it was still very frustrating nonetheless- it is an odd feeling when your legs want to go but your lungs just can't! Not surprisingly, it happened again today. Hopefully it will pass soon and I can get on with riding my bike, although until then I think I'll have to stock up on anti-histamines as an extra help to my normal meds.

So, spring loves me not, but it is not going to have its way and I am going to beat it into submission! Stay tuned to see how I go with that one, but 'til then, take care :)

1 comment:

Davina Summers said...

great to hear you are 'back on your bike' so to speak. keep up the good training and it will reward you with good results.
Take care,