Aug 6, 2009

A few things I like

So, the last couple of weeks have been all about training and making sure I am as ready as can be for the next NRS round in Geelong (August 14-16). Instead of telling you about how "life is a highway" (yes there has been endless highway kms), and how much fun it is to beat the postie up a hill, here are three things that make these kms bearable. (By the way, these are in no way "cash for comment" items, just things I like.)

1) Elmore Oil. Made in Bendigo, Victoria (Australia), this is my favourite oil for self massage. Pharmacologically I am not sure how the tea tree, eucalyptus and olive oils actually combine to relax tense muscles and even if it is just a placebo effect, it works for me! for more details, don't be out off by the arthritis pain relief, though I am sure it is excellent for that as well, this stuff is gold. Although, it is not quite a complete substitute for Phil, my masseur at Canberra Massage...

2) Bellweather Windstorm gloves. Technically these are mountain biking gloves, however, when it is below zero here I don't really care as long as my fingers are warm. These were an awesome recommendation from Bobby at OnyaBike Belco, and I haven't been disappointed. In fact, rather than find my hands too cold, I actually had to take them off on my way to work one morning as my hands were too warm! And, yes they have a toweling bit for wiping your nose in the cold too! My only complaint is that they can be a little cumbersome when it comes to getting things out of your pockets or unwrapping your food- hot tip, be prepared! And to top it off, they are inexpensive too, RRP $40.

3) My fixxie. The perfect recovery bike for me- enforced small gear all day and no free wheeling! No it is not one of these new fashionable fixxies that has been blinged out, it is a geared bike that has had some corrective surgery to fix it. To be honest, it is the ugliest bike on the road, but so ugly it is HOT! (If it wasn't so cold outside, I'd go and take a photo for you!!) I really do enjoy riding this bike, reminds me of track, and I can feel the benefits of continual spinning that transfer across to the rest of my riding.

Just thought I'd share a few hot tips and mix things up a bit :)

Take care and thanks for reading.

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