Mar 18, 2010

The wheels on the bike go round and round...

The last few weeks have been all about clocking up the kilometres. Most of these have been solo, "secret training" kilometres. Consequently, many things have been observed.

  • Goulburn, home of the Big Merino, is not far enough away and the kilometres need to be rounded up. :|

  • Yass is a perfect distance away. However, it is all uphill on the way home, starting with the hill in the way out. :)

  • People who do not know how to ride in a bunch should NOT suck my wheel! Further more, I HATE WHEELSUCKING SUPER COMMUTERS!! :v

  • I have a very good relationship with my mp3 player, but some tunes are better for the road than others. :) From the current playlist:
  • Anthrax- good
  • Presets- good
  • Peaches- good
  • Mr Bungle- not so good (I love all things Mike Paton, but Mr Bungle is a little too erratic for good pedalling tempo, although for this purpose it is better than Fantomas).

  • I dislike people tossing their rubbish out the window of their car. We are all familiar with the "bogan droppings" (broken glass bottles in the bike lane), but is it necessary to toss a cigarette butt out the window, particularly when I am there? And, did you know that it was clean up Australia when you committed aforementioned crime? :@

  • The number of people with complete disregard for red lights, both bikes and cars, is unbelievable! Just STOP! xo

  • The guys and girls at OnyaBike Belco are fantastically awesome. I am incredibly grateful for all their support! :D

  • At the end of the day I love riding my bike! :D

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