Jul 4, 2011

With a little help from my friends

It has been a bit of a tough couple of weeks around here. The DBR Canberra Women's Tour was set as an achievable goal under the new world (coaching) order, but somehow that message didn't get through to my wisdom teeth .sengihnampakgigi
Tooth pain is awful at the best of times, but when it is coupled with an infection it is really unpleasant. It was to the point where I had to go home early from work. This also meant that I wasn't training at full capacity. In case you missed it, I am a microbiologist by training, I know what happens when bacteria goes feral and that was not something I was prepared to risk. To make it worse, my dentist was at a conference for the week.

I managed to race the club champ ITT on the Saturday after it had sort of settled down. That was the hardest TT I have EVER raced. It was windy, cold and the course was brutal, and of course the bacteria were still partying in my mouth (just a bit quieter).

The acute stage of the infection had passed by the time I got to the see the dentist, but it was still hanging around. That meant a course of antibiotics. It was an antibiotic I had taken before, but I seemed to have an increased sensitivity to it this time around, further hindering my training.

With my training load down about 40%, maybe more, I wasn't able to defend my ACT ITT championship title. Although I can't be too unhappy with the performance on the day, it still cuts deep. It was tight at the pointy end of the field and there were some positive signs, all things considered.

I am currently scrambling to get some form into me before the DBR Tour kicks off on Friday. And it is with the help of my friends that I have been able to scrape the bottom of the mojo barrel, pick myself up and get on with it! Thank you

To name and shame... Matt (husband, soigny, mechanic, also known as the Engineer); MiffyG (check her out here), Coach Lyn, Hazel from work, World Champ Sue P, old favourites Glenn and Pothole, and anyone else who would listen to my moaning!

Last but not least, and I should have photographed it when I saw it because it has changed now, the Ride Happy site that was subliminally telling me: "Ride Happy- Bec" . Just what I needed to move my sorry self- thanks Lisa! star (If you haven't checked out the new Ride Happy site, get over there now, far more entertaining than me!!)

Here's to a fun stage race this weekend and the break that is going to follow!!

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