Feb 9, 2010


I hate being injured. I am very impatient and at the moment, and especially since I can't, I really really want to ride my bicycle at the moment! Here is a brief run down of things...

Thought I was OK to ride to work. About 6km into the 16km ride, I realised this was a bad idea. Everything hurt, my ribs and my knee especially. I left my bike at work and caught the bus home at the end of the day.

As a result of the pain I was in, I went to the Dr to get things checked. No ligament damage to my knee, most likely it is soft tissue and will take a little while to settle. That is a very impreesive bruise covering the knee though! As for the ribs, there was a suspected fracture so it was off for Xrays. And, the worst part, no bike! At least until the end of the week- BOO!!

I managed to get Xrays that afternoon as well, now to wait.

I hate it when I have to catch the bus to work! Xray results, all clear- woohoo- but it hurt to do that!

Thursday & Friday- feeling better.

Saturday- Managed 30 minutes on the wind trainer.

Sunday- 45 minutes on the wind trainer. Better than yesterday.

Monday- Rode to and from work. Almost better! Still some pain when I am out of the saddle and pushing a bigger gear, but it wasn't unbearable. On the way home it was better still

Tuesday- Cut a lap around the lake. Better again!

I seem to have bounced very well! Man, am I lucky!! There are still a few easy days to get through before we can really ramp things up, but that is much better than the possible 6 weeks that might have resulted had there been a fracture.

On the up side, this has all been managed with the guidance of my new coach, Brian (Simpson)- thanks!

Bring on the weekend!! (and 100% functioning limbs!)

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