Nov 16, 2010

Back to Reality

3 weeks after setting off overseas we found ourselves heading home. This timeframe also meant that I had about 6 days of bike cramming to be ready to race at my favourite race of all time- the Wagga Golden Wheel Track Carnival! Surely 3 weeks off, which included 7 days trekking at altitude just meant I was going to be super fresh to race, right?!

The first ride back was like slipping on an old pair of slippers and I was so glad to be back on my bike. It was looking good for a good impromptu prep for racing on the weekend, until things went pair shaped.

A ride from work to BundaDome, all of 3 km, with a HR pushing high E3 suggested something wasn’t quite right and I was dutifully sent home from the track with no racing. Wednesday and things were no better. In fact they were worse with the gastro infection that I had had when we were in Phuket, and that had started to simmer away before we got home came back with a vengeance. Couple that with a mild chest infection and it was off to the doctor for me.

Being a microbiologist, I had a fair idea what was going on. The most important part of the conversation with the Dr, after he had prescribed some god-awful broad spectrum antibiotics, was “Can I race my bike on the weekend?” “If your lungs and gut are up to it.” That was enough for me. I was going to race in Wagga (besides the accommodation was booked).

The drugs did their thing. My legs did their thing on Thursday at the track and I wasn’t as shabby as I thought I would be. An easy roll around with MiffyG on Friday morning and I was itching for the weekend!!

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