Jul 9, 2010

DBR Women and Juniors' Tour- Day 2

Stage 2- 37km Road Race
Saturday 3rd July 2010 Morning

A nice covering of fog was in order for the start of the day, though it had largely lifted by the time we started. A short road stage in the morning had the potential to be fast and furious but with a crit in the afternoon I think most people were content to sit back and wait for someone else to do something.

The first half of the race was pretty uneventful. We were all still largely together after the first u-bolt and heading into Coppins Crossing. Unfortunately this is where I realised that I hadn't adjusted my brakes and that they weren't as responsive as I would have liked for a technical descent into Coppins Crossing in the bunch. I let myself drift to the back of the bunch where I would be a little more comfortable and would have a little more time to react.

At some point after the second u-bolt Amy Cure and Jo Hogan slipped off the front and left the bunch to chase. But in a strange twist they decided not to follow the lead car when it turned right to head for the finishe and instead went left. They ended up coming in about 4 minutes after the bunch.

As for myself, I chased hard and ended up finishing with a small group of others, 24 seconds down. And, the first thing I did when I was done was adjust my brakes!

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